1.Remember, during GDs companies do not look for the best. They are just looking for the better 4-5 candidates in each group. So don’t try to be the best just try that you are among the better 4-5 candidates. If all of you try to do the best, you all lose.
2.Take GD as a formal discussion at your workplace. Then, you will automatically start working as a team.
3.Try to initiate the GD. Only one of you in each group can do so. So don’t panic over initiation.
4.If you don’t understand the topic then listen to the first 2-3 speakers, assimilate and then get into the discussion.
5.Show that you are interested in the GD.
6.Respect others viewpoints. Even if you want to differ don’t disrespect others’ views.
7.Keep a smiling and happy face. No body likes a swollen face.
8.Body language should not be offensive or defensive. Use a calm posture with a firm foothold.
9.use your hands to express yourself but don’t overdo it. It should look natural. Never point fingers at anyone.
10.Even if you are dominating continue to respect others and encourage somebody who has been trying to speak. But you will rarely get such a chance.
11.If you can add such points to the discussion which lay the greatest impact on the GD you are a winner.
12.voice modulation is important. You should know when to raise your voice and when to be soft during the GD. You should be expressive.
13.No matter how much you speak but if you are not expressive, if you seem to be disinterested, if you don’t make eye contact you cannot succeed.
14.Don’t deviate from the topic. If the group has deviated then the one who brings back to the topic gets additional points.
15.Sometimes you will be given a choice between two topics, one topic has to be chosen by the group for discussion. Do this to show maturity of the batch.
16.Keep a few GD topics in mind and make yourself comfortable with it. Sometimes you might be asked to suggest a topic to the group. One topic will then be selected by the group for discussion.
Normally, all companies conduct a group discussion. This is not a selection tool but an elimination one. The companies mostly go for a corporate GD which has to be done professionally. Together with putting forth your own points, you should also respect other’s viewpoint. A fish market situation only shows your immaturity and unprofessional attitude.
The group size in a GD varies from company to company. If the group size exceeds 10 members, the GD is likely to become hot and chaotic. In such GDs the peace makers score more than the rule-breakers. The topics in the GD can be anything under the sun. however if you are abreast with the current business and political scenario you can corroborate your points well. Some companies may give you a list of two or three topics and ask you to discuss one of the. For the selection of the topic the group has to reach a consensus. Remember you are being observed from right now. Some companies asks you to discuss on any one topic of your own choice. In such a case you should come prepared with a good debatable topic. The group should cohesively come to a consensus on the topic to be debated. Too much rigidity to stick to your topic will reveal your immaturity and portray you as a bad team player.
The GD is mainly conducted to judge your communication skills. You are not going to score more if you speak for or against the topic. Your ability to convince the group, the reasons you cite in justification for your points, your ability to lead the team, initiating the GD will help you score more.
In some companies the recruiters sit among the students instead of sitting in front of the group. In such a situation please address them as one of the group members, look towards them too. They may be carrying the marking sheets. Please at any point of time do not peep into the sheet.
Again do not create a fish market because you will all lose in such a situation. Act maturely as if you are in a boardroom. Good points expressed emphatically will do the trick.
Good Post But I need Aptitude Tips Pls Post..
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