Questions to ask during a Job Interview:

First it's great that you're ready to ask questions.. that a big part of coming across well in the interview. This is your chance to have a dialogue with your interviewer and show off that you're intelligent, resourceful, and excited about the job. A candidate without questions can come across as uninterested and/or nervous about the position.

Think of several questions beforehand, ideally at least 3-6 of them. During your interview, try to ask a blend of both general questions and more personal questions to build your connection with the interviewer. A few good examples of a general question:
-"How would you describe the type of people who excel in this job?"
-"Tell me a little more about the culture of the company...what really distinguishes you from your competitors?"
-"What are the opportunities for advancement at the steakhouse?"
-"Is there a training period? If so, what does it consist of?"

A good example of a personal question you can ask: "Why do you enjoy working here? What keeps you excited about the company?"

Also, remember that you don't have to wait for the end of the interview to ask questions -- it's perfectly acceptable to sprinkle your questions throughout the interview. Just be sure to try to gauge your interviewer's style...While some interviewers may be more rigid, most people enjoy having a dialogue and more of a "conversation" during the interview.

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